How To Install Inline Duct Fan & Where To Put It

Whether you're growing cannabis in a grow tent or you're simply looking to optimize your ventilation system in your home or office - you need to learn how to install an inline duct fan. And fortunately, you've come to the right place. As the experts in all things venation, that's exactly what we're here to cover today.

In this in-depth guide, you'll learn how to install inline duct fan in grow tent - or, in a building. We'll also explain where to install inline duct fans for best efficiency and performance. Throughout this article, you'll also gain valuable insights to help you dial in your ventilation system the first go around, so you don't have to come back and tweak it later on. We'll talk about programming your fan speed controller, pairing your fan with a carbon filter, and a whole lot more. First - let's talk about the importance of learning how to properly install your fan.

Why Learning How To Install Inline Fans Correctly Is So Important

You might be wondering - why should I take the time to learn how to install my fan properly? After all, can't I just put it in and hope for the best?

Unfortunately, no.

See, inline fans are designed to move a lot of air. In order to do this effectively, they need to be installed correctly. If you don't read this guide carefully, you run the risk of making a number of common mistakes that will limit how well your fan performs.

For instance, one mistake people often make is installing their fan too close to a wall or other surface. Because of how inline duct fans work, this limits how much air the fan can pull in and ultimately reduces its efficiency. Another common mistake is not mounting the fan securely. This can cause vibrations that are not only annoying but can also shorten the lifespan of your fan. And, when growing plants indoors, mistakes with your ventilation system are far too costly. Your fan failing could contribute to crop failure - the last thing you want.

We say this not to scare you, but to help you understand why this is a more important topic than most people realize. In short, taking the time to learn how to install inline fans is important for getting the most out of your investment and protecting it.

But before we can teach you how to install an inline duct fan, we need talk about placement. Here is where we recommend you install your inline duct fan depending on your unique situation...

Where To Install Inline Duct Fans For Peak Performance

Wondering where to install inline duct fans? The answer will depend on your unique space. It will also depend on the purpose of the fan. If you're installing the inline duct fan in your house to help improve ventilation, we recommend placing it in the attic. This is because hot air rises and, as a result, your attic is likely the warmest room in your house.

Installing an inline duct fan in your attic will help to remove that hot air and improve the overall efficiency of your ventilation system. If you're installing an inline duct fan in a grow tent, we recommend placing it near the top of the tent. This will help to pull hot air out of the grow tent and improve circulation throughout the space.

However, that isn't always feasible. Let's say you have a small grow tent and can only fit a few plants in there as is. When you factor in your grow lights & a carbon filter - and the eventual height to which your plants will grow - there isn't much room for a fan in there as well. While you may lose some performance, you can also consider installing your fan outside the tent - keeping all that valuable growing space for just your plants.

The point is that you'll have to consider your unique circumstances and carefully think about what makes the most sense for you. Your goal should be to maximize performance and keep the fan out of the way. Sometimes, you'll have to compromise on one of these factors to satisfy the other.

Now that we've talked about where to install inline duct fans, let's talk about how to install them...

How To Install Inline Duct Fan In Your Home

Now that you know where to install inline duct fans in your home, let's talk installation. How do you actually install the inline duct fan in your home?

The good news is that, in most cases, you won't need any special tools or skills to install your fan. In fact, the process is relatively simple and can be completed in just a few minutes.

Here's a quick overview of how to install an inline duct fan:

  1. Start by disconnecting power to the area where you'll be working. This is important for safety reasons and will help to prevent electrocution.
  2. Next, remove the old vent cap from the exhaust duct. You can do this by removing the screws that hold it in place. If there are no screws, you may be able to pry it off with a flathead screwdriver.
  3. Once the old vent cap is removed, insert the inline duct fan into the exhaust duct.
  4. Secure the inline duct fan in place using screws or zip ties.
  5. Reconnect power to the area and turn on the inline duct fan.
  6. Test the fan to ensure it's working properly. Make sure you are able to adjust the fan speed - and ensure that you don't hear rattling at full power.

And that's it! You've successfully installed your inline duct fan. Just remember to follow all safety precautions when working with electricity and consult an electrician if you're ever unsure about anything.

As you can see, the basics of installing an inline duct fan in your home are pretty simple. The same rules apply if you're installing your fan in just about any building. However, maybe you came here to learn how to install inline duct fans in grow tents. If so, you're in luck - we'll walk you through the process below.

How To Install Inline Duct Fan In Grow Tent

The process for how to install an inline duct fan in a grow tent is similar to the process we outlined above, but it's actually a bit more complicated. There are a few key differences that you'll need to be aware of.

First and foremost, you'll need to make sure you're placing the fan near the top of the tent - as we mentioned earlier. This will help to ensure that hot air is pulled out of the grow tent and doesn't build up near your plants. The only exception to this is if you're installing your fan outside the tent to maximize space in the growing chamber.

Another difference? You'll need some ducting. Your grow tent will have duct ports on it, but they typically won't be rigid like those of your house. As such, you'll hang your inline duct fan from the poles of your tent, connect it to ducting, and run that ducting out the duct port on your tent. Of course, there is an element we haven't even discussed yet - adding the carbon air filter. This filter is essential for helping eliminate the odors from your plants along with VOCs. You'll need a means of hanging your carbon filter as well - as it will connect to your fan. Here's a quick overview of what the installation process looks like:

  1. Start by measuring the space in your grow tent to ensure you can fit both your inline duct fan and carbon filter. If not, you may have to connect your carbon filter to ducting outside of the tent. This will sacrifice some performance - but you got to work with what you've got!
  2. Hang your inline duct fan from the poles of your tent with zip ties or any included clips.
  3. Hang your carbon filter from the ceiling right in front of or behind your fan. Typically, you'll use straps for this.
  4. Connect your inline duct fan and carbon filter. Some growers use duct tape - this works really well and makes disconnecting the carbon filter/fan easy.
  5. Run ducting through your grow tent's duct port. Then, connect the ducting to your inline duct fan using clamps. Create an air-tight seal. Run the other end of the ducting out an exhaust vent in your home - or out a window.
  6. Turn your fan on and ensure it works properly. You can play around with the fan speed settings to ensure there's no rattling.

Can I Install an Inline Duct Fan Vertically OR Horizontally?

One of the most common questions we get here at TerraBloom is in regards to how you can mount your fan. While many types of fans are limited only to horizontal positioning, that is not the case when you shop TerraBloom. Our inline duct fans can be mounted both horizontally and vertically! Moreover, you can angle our fans however you see fit - as long as they are mounted securely to a hard surface.

An Important Note on Inline Duct Fan Installation, Safety, & Compliance

During installation, you should put an emphasis on safety & compliance. It’s imperative that no external object comes in contact with your fan’s blades. In many instances, OSHA actually requires the fans to have safety grilles on the fans if they’re not ducted on both ends - or, installed at a height above 8’. 

That’s why we’ve introduced a full range of safety grilles to protect the fan blade from accidental touch by external objects. This is especially important if you’re using these fans for commercial applications - protect yourself, your employees, and your business with these grilles:

Tips For Running Your Inline Duct Fan Efficiently

Now that you know how to install inline duct fans in both household or business settings and growing tents alike, let's talk about how to run it efficiently. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your fan:

  • Make sure the inline duct fan is properly sized for the space. An undersized fan will have to work harder to move air and, as a result, will be less efficient. We always recommend sizing up on your fan and turning the power down - rather than going with a smaller size and running it at full power. This is more energy-efficient and results in quiet operation, too.
  • Inspect the inline duct fan regularly and clean it as needed. A dirty fan can impact performance and may eventually fail completely.
  • Consider installing a variable speed controller. This will allow you to adjust the speed of the fan based on your needs - and could help you save money on your energy bill.
  • If possible, install the inline duct fan in an area that's temperature controlled. This will help to prolong the life of your fan and keep it running efficiently for years to come.
  • Add a hygrometer to your growing space if that's what you're using your fan for. You can watch temperature and humidity over the course of a few days and determine the intervals at which you want your fan to kick on. You may find that you only need to run the fan a few minutes every hour - or, you may find that 24/7 operation is necessary. Be sure to continue watching performance throughout the growing cycle as your plants' needs will change from veg to flower.

Final Thoughts On How & Where To Install Inline Duct Fans For Peak Performance

Now that you know where and how to install inline duct fans for peak performance, you can get to work sizing your space and shopping for your fan. If you want efficient, durable inline exhaust fans that you can depend on, look no further than TerraBloom.

Our collection features fans ranging from 4"-12", so no matter how big your space is we can accommodate it. We independently test our products with the HVI (Home Ventilating Institute) and Energy-Star. Using the latest technology in EC motors, we've created fans that deliver high-performance cooling capabilities while lowering your monthly energy bill. With a durable build that can withstand the rigors of even the most intense commercial growing spaces, you can trust that your crop is in good hands when you shop with us. We also have booster duct fans if you want to explore other options, too!

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